Visit of the head of the Military Strategic Planning Division of the Portuguese Joint General Staff

18 February 2024

The NATO Maritime GeoMETOC Centre of Excellence (COE) hosted a visit from Commodore Neves Correia, the Head of the Military Strategic Planning Division of the Portuguese Joint General Staff, on February 19, 2024.

Commodore Neves Correia received a warm reception from Navy Captain Miguel dos Reis Arenga, Director of the COE.

During the visit, there was a thorough briefing provided by the Director of the Maritime GeoMETOC COE, outlining its primary mission, ongoing projects, work schedule, and upcoming initiatives. Furthermore, a productive discussion took place regarding the current challenges and potential opportunities facing the Centre.

The DIPLAEM is tasked with providing staff support in military strategic planning, prospective and transformation, international military relations, force planning, joint and combined military doctrine, organizational methods, and evaluation activities.​